Sunday, February 23, 2014

Imagine what you will know tomorrow.

Tommy Lee Jones’ charter, K, is talking to Will Smith’s charter about what he might know tomorrow. First he says that fifteen hundred years ago the people knew the earth was the center of the universe, and five hundred years ago people knew the earth was flat. He ends with the statement “imagine what you will know tomorrow.” What we know about anything is usually with the help of technology.

                Fifteen hundred years ago it was easy for people to believe that the world was the center of the universe due to natural observation of how the sun, moon, and stars traveled across the sky. However, wit invention of the telescope in the sixteen hundreds, Galileo Galilei began charting the starts movements in the sky and determined that the earth was not the center of the universe.  The commit that we knew the earth was flat may not have been correct due to the fact that the telescope helped most of the astronomers during Galileo’s time began to spread the round earth theory. 

The advances of technology have given us the ability to know more about anything we choose to know about. We can use computers to search the internet for a page were someone posted what they know, Thus knowledge can be passed within minutes.
Technology has given business the ability to have customers around the world. The use of aircraft can get a business product any were in the world.
   Children are using computers to gain knowledge before they ever start school. Children stat playing video games as soon as they start to develop the coordination to recognize shapes.
Technology has made it possible for people to get recognized for their talents. With the use of video recording someone who can sing several different parts to a song can record each part and then tie them together as one performance. Technology has made it possible for home buyers to find a new home across the country and know if there are any stores near the home. Photographs of neighborhoods taken from space can give a home buyer a feel for the area they wish to move to.
 Technology has given delivery drivers an easier time finding their customers. Most delivery drivers use Guidance position systems to get directions to the location of their delivery.

The ways that technology advances means that the commit that Tommy’s charter makes: “Imagine what you will know tomorrow.” just might include the previous line about being alone on this planet.


  1. With all the great things technology has done, it's sad when you think about the statement "what will we know tomorrow". People are so dependant on technology, will we know much at all?

  2. You include a lot of different examples of how technology has impacted various parts of our lives. Before you tie it back to your original quote from the beginning, stop to comment on and analyze the relevance of all of the support you just finished developing.
